Eliminate Debt and Build Wealth

Financial Freedom Mission Statement

“Mission Statement: To provide people with the knowledge and tools need to eliminate debt and build wealth.”

This is not a get rich quick site, we will not send out spam, and we do not provide Continue reading

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Energy FundAre you Properly Investing for Your Future?

Are you actively investing for your retirement or are you putting it off until the time is right? I want you to know that the only time that is better to invest than the present is the past. If you’re not currently investing your hard earned income, you need to start today and not wait until tomorrow.

I recently rolled over one of my IRA’s from a past company that I worked at into one of my active IRA’s Continue reading

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The 60 Percent Budgeting Solution

Richard Jenkins, former MSN Money’s editor in chief created the 60% budgeting system. In this system Richard suggest that 60% of the household gross income is spent on fixed expenses such as federal, state, and Social Security taxes, bills, and standard living expenses such as food, clothing, and house payment. The other 40% Continue reading

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Happy New Year

Money Challenge


As one year comes to an end, it is time to start your financial planning for the next year if you haven’t done so already. Most everyone makes a New Years resolution or two, so have you considered what your financial resolution is for this coming year?

If you haven’t decided on your financial resolution, I suggest that you do the 52 week money challenge. It is simple to follow and is a great way to get the new year moving in the right direction. Continue reading

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Basic Budgeting: Your First Step to Achieving Financial

Basic Budgeting eBook

Basic Budgeting eBook

I recently published my first Kindle eBook. This eBook provides the reader with the proper way of setting up a budget and also provides access to the members area where members are provided with links to products and websites that I mention in my books, as well as free downloads. For this current eBook, members are able to download the budget forms that I talk about.

Within a few months, I will still be releasing my eBook which provides readers with a step by step process for eliminating debt, along with helpful information on ways to reduce expenses and build your credit rating.




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Affordable Health Care Act – Problem 1

The Real Cost of Obama Care

BillThis post is from a friend of mine, Isaiah, and how the so called Affordable Health Care Act isn’t so affordable. I think it should be renamed Un-Affordable and Life Threating Care Act.


Here is a basic explanation of what The Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care) is going to do to myself and everyone else

1. There are insurance plans considered “High Risk Pool”. This means the covered person is very ill or has a chronic illness and will be facing many medical bills for the rest of their life or a long period of time. I was on the Missouri High Risk pool because I am a Heart and Kidney Transplant Patient and we still have a residence in Missouri which is were I was born. We have paid our premiums for 20 years and been very happy with our coverage and all the things I have went through were covered by our private policy. Continue reading

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This Weeks Message

This Weeks Message

truthWith a several things on his mind, Max briskly walks up to the front of the stage, color-full lights shining on the scene setup behind him, he stands next to the short guardrail that was strategically placed just to his right as he faces the audience. About to speak to the congregation on one of the toughest topics that he has to present, as all eyes are on him, Max begins his message by providing a quick review of the current series.

After building up the audience anticipation, his eyes scanning across the room as if making eye contact with each and every person, Max having everyone’s full attention finally announces the topic of this week’s sermon. Continue reading

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Becoming Wealthy at a Young Age

Becoming Wealthy at a Young Age

So you want to livsavings-boxe the American Dream, your looking for a way of becoming wealthy at a young age, well good for you, because if your doing the research, your off to a better start than most people. Most young people would rather play video games, hang out with friends, and go to parties, than to do what it takes to become wealthy at a young age. Let’s take a quick look what this actually means.



What does “Becoming Wealthy at a Young Age” actually mean? First, we need to think about and define wealthy Continue reading

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From $80,000 in Debt to Debt Free

newspaper-23418_150I ran across an article on MSN that I felt that I had to share. This person ran up $80,000 of debt from credit cards and student loans. It took David three years to eliminate this massive amount and become debt free.

David ran into the same issue as many other people do when they first leave their parents home. People get accustomed to living a certain lifestyle while living Continue reading

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Free Financial Advice

article-71341_150Our goal is to provide readers with free financial advice in an effort to help everyone become debt free. Most of us have struggled financially from time to time, including myself. During these bad times, I’ve researched and discovered some basic and proven techniques to eliminate debt while avoiding Continue reading

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New Articles: How to Create a Budget

I hope everyone has been able to pick up their free copy of Life after Debt by Rob Kosberg while his book was available for free download. If you missed out on your free copy you can still download Rob’s book. Knowledge is power, so arm your self so you can win at the financial game.

I’ve recently added a series of articles on how to create create and manage a budget. If you’re currently not using a budget to track your finances, check out the article on How to Create a Budget.


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Life After Debt

Life After Debt: Practical Solutions To Get Out Of Debt, Build Wealth, And Radically Transform Your Finances Forever


I recently came across this article on Webwire.com about the   book Life After Debt that I wanted to share with our readers. The book will   be free and available for download on Amazon for 5 days (5/11/2013 –   5/15/2013). Make sure you get your copy while you can.http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=174401


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Making Money by Having a Garage Sale

Tips on Making Money by Having a Garage Sale

It’s getting to be that time of year when everyone has spring fever. The temperture is warming up, people are spending more time outside, heavy coats are put in the closet, and shorts and t-shirts come out. Spring is my favorite time of the year. Along with the great spring weather, comes the not so fun spring cleaning. This year, use your spring cleaning to your advantage.

While your doing your spring cleaning, it’s also a great time to Continue reading

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Using Your Tax Refund to Eliminate Debt.

It’s tax time again and I hope you’re getting a refund check from the IRS this year instead of paying into the IRS this year. If you do owe money this year, make sure that you change your withholdings with your employer right away. Don’t hesitate, it only takes a few minutes and it will save you a lot of trouble next year.

Some people say it is best to get your tax refund as close to $0 as you can. I personally would rather get around $1,000 back each year from my income taxes. For me, this is more of Continue reading

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Why Have a Budget?

A budget is your guild to help manage your money and to take control of your finances. Get in control of your money and have your money start working for you.

It’s not important how you create your budget, just that you create the budget. Continue reading

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Achieving Financial Freedom – Financial Ebook

To help deliver the message on how to eliminate debt and build wealth, I’ve decided to create an financial ebook. The ebook outlines the 6 steps to achieving financial freedom.  Why an ebook you ask, well let me explain. Creating a blog and providing articles are great for getting you the information, but I want a way to put all this information together to make it easier Continue reading

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New Years Resolution: What is your financial new years resolution?

Does your new years resolution include money?

It’s a New Year and it seems that everyone is listing the top 10 list for 2012 and making their New Year resolutions for the coming year. I was listening to the radio on my way home on New Year ’s Eve, and the station was going through the top 10 list for New Year’s resolutions. The station started by announcing the list by starting at number one, but when they got to number three, my mind shut out everything else. Here’s the top 3 of the top 10 list.

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About Financial Freedom:

Introduction to Achieving Financial Freedom

Like many others, I was once in debt and wasn’t sure how I was going to dig my way out of the hole that I helped dig myself into. I started doing a little research and discovered that there is plenty of information out there and everyone seems to teach the same basic principles. I started to do the math and spent a few months wondering if all this is actually achievable. To make a long story short, I took the first step and started to make some life changes. I wanted to help others looking for financial help, so I decided to create achievingfinancialfreedom.net. Continue reading

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What is financial freedom?

It seems that we are all slave to the all mighty dollar. No matter where you are financially, we seem to dig ourselves into a financial hole. The more you make, the deeper the hole.

Achieving financial freedom means that you have filled in that hole and you are no longer in debt with the exception of a major expense such as a home purchase. Once you are out of debt, the goal is to start building wealth, Continue reading

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